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Are you interested in helping your fellow grad students find careers outside of academia? The UCSB Beyond Academia organizing committee is now recruiting graduate students and postdocs to join the team for next year’s conference, where you can have the opportunity to develop transferable skills that are ​valuable to careers both inside and outside of the academy. Come to ​the next Organizer Interest Meeting on ​May 29!

Read more about the article "Join the organizing team for the 2020 Beyond Academia conference!"

Do you need funding to conduct research related to understanding rising levels of socio-economic inequality in relation to democratic practices, policies, institutions, and norms? Consider submitting a proposal to the UC Santa Barbara Blum Center for up to $3,000 towards your research expenses. Deadline to apply is May 24, 2019. Read on for more info!

Read more about the article "Call for Proposals: Graduate Student Research on Poverty, Inequality and Democracy "

Interested in contributing to our Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) mission to promote underrepresented minority student success? The Chicano Studies Institute and Student Affairs Assessment Initiative are providing $2000 mini grants to graduate students that are interested in helping student service departments assess their goals in serving the needs of vulnerable student communities. Applications due June 15, 2019.

Read more about the article "Deadline extended: Apply for Graduate Student HSI Working Group: $2000 mini grants!"

Are you an international student interested in working in the U.S.? Are you preparing for a work or internship opportunity but don’t know what to expect? Do you want to continue your academic journey in the U.S. as a researcher or scholar? Then attend this panel event to get an overview of American workplaces, employer expectations, and tips for success. Pizza and refreshments will be provided!

Read more about the article "International alumni workshop and panel: Working in the U.S."

The Simons Foundation invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships to support research on fundamental problems in marine microbial ecology. The award is for three years, contingent upon satisfactory annual progress reports, and will include an annual stipend of $62,000 and an annual allowance of up to $25,000. Deadline to apply is June 14, 2019.

Read more about the article "Marine Microbial Ecology Postdoctoral Fellowships from Simons Foundation"