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Path to Postdoc @ UCSF is a unique program for outstanding senior graduate students (that will complete their PhD by the end of 2019) to be exposed to world-class research opportunities at UCSF. Students will have an opportunity to interview with faculty research mentors for a postdoctoral position in their lab, give a research presentation to faculty and the UCSF community, meet current postdocs, and experience San Francisco. Apply now! Deadline is February 1.

Read more about the article "Path to Postdoc @ UCSF application now open"

You are invited to attend the Kavli BRAIN Showcase on January 18! The goal of this symposium is to foster collaboration within the UCSB community on mind and brain-related research. Grad students and postdocs with an interest in this topic, who think they might have something to contribute, or want to make contact with others in the field, are encouraged to attend. Read on for details!

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The Social Science Research Council invites applications from advanced graduate students and junior faculty in the social sciences to participate in a seminar on “Mechanical Rules before Machines: Rules and Paradigms” led by the Council’s 2019 Fellow, Professor Lorraine Daston. Application deadline is January 18, 2019.

Read more about the article "Call for applications: 2019 SSRC Fellow Seminar with Lorraine Daston"

Please join CSEP and the Center for Bioengineering for two upcoming events with Kirsten Leute, the Senior Vice President of University Relations at Osage Partners: a career talk followed by a seminar about university-technology innovations and how Venture Capital firms can help in realizing new technologies. Read on for more details and to RSVP for each event.

Read more about the article "Current Topics in Bioengineering Career Talk & Seminar"

This workshop on January 22 is for graduate students for whom weekly teaching responsibilities and the thought of spending time in the front of the classroom are a source of undue stress. Facilitators will discuss strategies and resources for minimizing and managing anxiety related to teaching, and for increasing confidence at the front of the classroom. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Managing Teaching Related Anxiety"

Michigan State University is currently inviting applications from US graduate students for the 2019 US-China International Research Experience. This research opportunity is for graduate students interested in building international research relationships, gaining experience in developing/porting software and algorithms for supercomputers, and exploring China. Read on for more info.

Read more about the article "NSF Computational Research Experience for graduate students"

The Art & Architecture Seminar Room at the UCSB Library is now available as study space for UCSB faculty and graduate students, who will be able to enter the room by swiping their access cards using the newly installed card reader at the southwest entrance to the room. The room will be accessible for study after regular business hours. Read on for more details.

Read more about the article "Additional space in the library available for faculty and graduate students"

The teaching demonstration is where a committee glimpses your teaching efficacy. And with only one class period to display your skills, there’s little margin for error. In this workshop on January 23, participants will learn about what goes into a strong teaching demonstration from a pedagogical perspective. Sign up today!

Read more about the article "How to Give a Teaching Demonstration (Writing Workshop Series)"

Still hibernating or feeling dormant after the break? Don't forget to stay updated on upcoming fellowship opportunities. Our Funding Peer has compiled a list of over 175 funding opportunities with deadlines in the next three to four months -- all organized by type and stage for your convenience! Check out the full list and be sure to sign up for an upcoming funding workshop to create customized funding searches that work for you.

Read more about the article "Funding Forecast for Winter 2019"

Applications are now open for the Graduate Student Internship Fellowship, which offers up to five $2,000-$2,500 scholarships annually to help graduate students explore career opportunities and gain valuable work experience while in school. Funds are awarded to students who demonstrate​ financial need as well as how their Summer or Fall 2019 work experience will be ​beneficial for their career trajectory. Application deadline is March 17th.

Read more about the article "Graduate Student Internship Fellowship applications now open!"