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The AccessLex Institute/AIR Research and Dissertation Fellows Program is a grant competition promoting scholarship on issues related to access, affordability and value of legal education specifically, and graduate and professional education more broadly. Research grants of up $50,000 and dissertation grants of up to $25,000 are available. Deadline to apply is November 30, 2018.

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The average LA commuter spends over 100 hours sitting in traffic every year. Imagine a future where you could spend that time doing the things you truly enjoy and live in a world without traffic jams. Hack.LAMobility, a 24-hour hackathon from November 16-17th, is seeking students to build technology and transportation solutions which will transform mobility in Los Angeles. Register by November 14th.

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The Graham Foundation offers two Carter Manny Awards: a research award for a student at the research stage of the doctoral dissertation and a writing award for a student at the writing stage of the doctoral dissertation. The research award is acknowledged with up to $15,000 and the writing award is acknowledged with up to $20,000. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2018, for 2019-2020 funding.

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Are you passionate about tackling poverty and inequality? Are you interested in working with student leaders across UC campuses to raise awareness and mobilize action on these issues? The Blum Center for Global Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development is recruiting a graduate student to work together with their staff to advance thinking and engagement on poverty and inequality at UCSB and UC-wide in 2018-19. Applications due TODAY, October 29, 2018.

Read more about the article "Employment Opportunity: UCSB Blum Center Graduate Student Assistant"

UC Santa Barbara division of undergraduate education is seeking a graduate student research assistant to work on data collection and management for three academic centers: ONDAS Student Center, Transfer Student Center, and Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning. Read on to find out more!

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UCSB Library is pleased to announce a new Presentation Practice Room available for reservation by UCSB students, faculty, and staff. Located on the 1st Floor Mountain Side (room 1506), the space allows you to practice, refine, and record oral and multimedia presentations for classes and seminars, conferences, teaching preparation, Grad Slam, Lunch & Learn, thesis defenses, and other events.

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