Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of advanced level language study in East or Southeast Asia. Candidates pursuing careers in fields such as academia, STEM, international business, accounting, law, medicine, journalism, architecture, teaching, social or NGO work, and government service are encouraged to apply. Deadline is December 30, 2018.
Read more about the article "Blakemore Freeman Fellowships for advanced level Asian language study"
The Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) will award up to ten regular dissertation fellowships and one specially designated Herb York IGCC Fellowship for the 2019–2020 academic year. Fellowships are $25,000. US citizenship is NOT required. Application deadline is December 20, 2018.
Read more about the article "2019–2020 Herb York IGCC Dissertation Fellowship Competition"
Do you like free pizza? Would you like to learn more about the resources the UCSB library has to offer and chat with one of the UCSB Librarians? UCSB students are invited to join University Librarian Kristin Antelman for pizza and an open student forum on November 28 to chat about the UCSB Library. Space is limited.
Read more about the article "Pizza with the University Librarian"
The 2018 Graduate Student Internship Fellowship was awarded to four students who demonstrated how their Summer or Fall 2018 work experience would be impactful for their career trajectory. We followed up with our fellows from last year about their experiences and here is what they had to say! Read on to be inspired to apply for the 2019 cycle - the application opens January 7.
Read more about the article "Following up with the 2018 Graduate Student Internship Fellows"
The Spatial Center is a cross- and inter-disciplinary center that brings together thinkers and doers from across (and off) campus to consider, apply, and promote novel ways to infuse a spatial perspective into all kinds of research. They host and promote academic presentations and lunch-time talks to increase campus awareness of graduate student research. RSVP for their November 28 Spatial Technology Lunch today!
Read more about the article "Opportunities to present graduate student work at UCSB's Spatial Center"
NOAA's Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for independent graduate-level studies in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology (including all science, engineering, social science and resource management of ocean and coastal areas), particularly to women and minorities. The deadline is December 17, 2018.
Read more about the article "Fellowship award for research in NOAA mission-related sciences"
Interested in becoming a Resident Assistant (RA) in San Clemente Villages (graduate apartments) next year? Do you want to be a resource for the graduate community? Perks include housing and a monthly stipend. The online application is now open and will close on January 28, 2019. To find out more, come to the RA Info Session on Thursday, November 29, at 7pm in the San Clemente Center.
Read more about the article "Apply to be an RA in San Clemente Villages for 2019-2020"
The University of California Institute for Mexico and the United States (UC MEXUS) offers a monthly competition for support of University of California graduate student and postdoctoral researcher activities in all disciplines as related to academic exchange, research training, and scholarly development in areas of interest to UC MEXUS. The next deadline is December 3, 2018.
Read more about the article "UC MEXUS funding available for short-term projects"
On December 6, join our Graduate Career Counselor Lana Smith-Hale for an introductory workshop on the Individual Development Plan (IDP), a tool that helps you maximize your advisor/mentor relationship and teaches you how to create goals relevant to your career development.
Read more about the article "Individual Development Plan (IDP) Training Workshop"
Find out the difference between fellowships and grants, the timing of when and how to apply, and how to access money to fund you, your program, or your project. Each are beneficial in different ways throughout your academic journey and development. Join us for this workshop on December 5 to learn the ins and outs!
Read more about the article "Financial Literacy: Fellowships vs. Grants"
Announcing the honorary guest speakers and the opening of abstract submission for the 4th annual University of California Chemical Symposium! UCCS 2019 will take place March 24-27, 2019, at the Lake Arrowhead Conference Center. Abstract submission is now open through December 14, 2018. Learn more and apply today!
Read more about the article "2019 UC Chemical Symposium call for abstracts"
The Chateaubriand Fellowship is a grant offered by the Embassy of France in the United States. It supports outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who wish to conduct research in France for a period ranging from 4 to 9 months. Chateaubriand fellows receive a stipend, a round trip ticket to France, and health insurance. Apply today! Deadline is January 9, 2018.
Read more about the article "Apply now for the 2019-2020 Chateaubriand Fellowship"
The William & Mary's Graduate Research Symposium Committee invites Arts & Sciences graduate students at UCSB to participate in the 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium on March 15 & 16, 2019. They are seeking abstract submissions from currently enrolled graduate students in the following discipline(s): American Studies, Anthropology, Applied Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, History, Physics, Psychology, and Public Policy. Read more here!
Read more about the article "William & Mary's 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium call for abstracts"
The application for City Internships' 2018/19 Study and Intern Abroad Programs is now open. For this academic year, City Internships is offering Winter, Spring, and Summer Programs in nine locations. All of the programs feature a series of career-readiness classes, workshops, and events centered around an internship placement at a leading company in an industry of interest to a student. Apply today!
Read more about the article "City Internships international work experience applications now open"
If you have a CalFresh Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, you may now use it for purchases at the Arbor. To find out more about how to sign up for CalFresh or to see other locations with food security resources, read more here.
Read more about the article "The Arbor now accepts CalFresh Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards"