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The UCSB Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies and the UCSB IHC Research Focus Group “What Is a Shakespeare?: Shakespeare and Global Media” are collaborating to host a virtual conference: "Global Snapshot: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Media, Performativity, and Global Communities." The conference features Keynote Speakers Dr. Peter Eckersall and Dr. Ambereen Dadabhoy, and will run on May 14 and 15. Abstracts are due April 1.

Read more about the article "Call for Papers: "Global Snapshot: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Media, Performativity, and Global Communities""

Beyond the Professoriate is offering a free webinar: "Leaving academia? Here's what you need to prepare." All graduate students and PhDs are invited to join L. Maren Wood, PhD (Founder of Beyond the Professoriate) for this interactive webinar so that you can be confident in your decision and knowledgeable about the steps you need to take. This month's webinar will run on March 25 at 9am.

Read more about the article "Upcoming free webinar from Beyond the Professoriate: "Leaving academia?""

With his winning three-minute talk, “The Early Bird Gets the Worm, but the Second Mouse Gets the Cheese: What Simple Organisms Can Teach Us about Our Daily Rhythms," Geoff Meyerhof, a graduate student in Biomolecular Science & Engineering, took the Grad Slam 2022 championship. He will now go forward to represent UCSB at the UC-wide Grad Slam, which will be livestreamed from the LinkedIn headquarters on May 6. Read on for more about the Final Round of UCSB Grad Slam 2022!

Read more about the article "Introducing the 2022 Grad Slam Champion: Geoff Meyerhof"

Check out this unique new fellowship opportunity for grads who are interested in clinical medicine. EcoMedicine, also known as Nature as Medicine or Nature Therapy, is an exciting new field in clinical medicine, defined as the prescriptive, evidence-based use of natural settings to enhance well-being and to prevent and treat chronic diseases and their symptoms. The deadline for application is March 11, so read on today for more information on the fellowship and how to apply.

Read more about the article "New Graduate Ecomedicine Fellowship is accepting applications -- due soon!"

Read on for tips from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)--an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community--about strategies to help you manage your time. Membership in the NCFDD (free for UCSB students!) provides several forms of professional support to help combat common problems academics face. Read on to learn more!

Read more about the article "Tips from the NCFDD Monday Motivator: March 2022 edition"

Are you a graduate student interested in the intersection of public policy, research, and mentorship? The Presidential GOLD Fellowship hosted by the UC Center Sacramento (UCCS) provides you with the opportunity to engage policymakers on issues important to California and your research, as well as financial support. Apply by March 25,2022. Read on for more info!

Read more about the article "Presidential Doctoral Opportunities for Leadership Development (GOLD) Fellowship Summer 2022 Public Policy"

UCSB's Graduate Center for Literary Research (GCLR) is now accepting abstracts for their annual conference, which will be held in hybrid format on June 5. This year's theme is "Forked Tongues: The Role of (Foreign) Languages in Literature, Film, and the Arts." Abstracts are due soon, on March 11. Read on for more information and the link to the conference website.

Read more about the article "GCLR now accepting abstracts for their 2022 conference, "Forked Tongues""