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The UCSB Graduate Division is committed to supporting graduate students and postdoctoral scholars during these challenging times with the COVID-19 pandemic. We greatly value your feedback on this short survey. It should take about 2-3 minutes to complete and your answers will be used by Graduate Division staff to respond to the ongoing needs of students and scholars. Please submit the survey by April 30.

Read more about the article "Graduate Division invites grad students and postdocs to participate in survey"

Community colleges account for over 40% of higher education in the U.S. and most of them are eager to attract highly qualified PhDs. Join us for a panel discussion on May 5 where experts will discuss the range of opportunities that these schools have to offer. Beth Au from the California Community Colleges Registry will also be available for one-on-one meetings throughout the week.

Read more about the article "Panel Discussion on Academic Careers at Community Colleges"

The Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) program is sponsoring up to 15 free slots for the Beyond the Professoriate 7th Annual Online Career Conference for PhDs, May 2 & 9, 2020. If you can't attend live, the tickets include video replay so that you can watch all conference sessions on demand for 30 days. Apply for your free ticket by this Monday, April 27!

Read more about the article "IPS support to attend virtual career conference"

The RCSGD is seeking a Graduate Assistant for Education Initiatives and a Graduate Student Assistant for the 2020-21 school year. These positions contribute to the RCSGD mission of ensuring that LGBTQ students, staff, and faculty are supported and affirmed at UCSB. Students at any point in their graduate programs are welcome to apply by May 4, 2020 at 9am. Read on for more info.

Read more about the article "Two graduate student positions open at the RCSGD for 2020-21"

Many job interviews take place online, so what better way to prepare than through this Zoom-based workshop! Come learn a plethora of tips and tricks to utilize in your next online interview, whether that be in academia or industry. We'll discuss common interview questions, tips for giving job talks online, and things you'll want to prepare before the interview itself.

Read more about the article "Tips & Tricks for Online Interviews (special workshop with Bri McWhorter)"

If you are planning to return to your home culture within the next few months (or if you already have!), or if you have returned to the U.S. within the past year after spending time in another culture, this workshop is for you. Come learn what symptoms and signs of reverse culture shock are, and how to handle them when you're strangely on your own in what should be the most familiar place you know: home. ...What is this crazy place?!

Read more about the article "What is This Crazy Place?! A Zoom Convo About Reverse Culture Shock"

When it comes to writing, are you an octopus or an ant? In this presentation, you will reflect on a series of questions that take stock of your writing behaviors. Based on your responses, you'll find out what your writing behavior profile is. With such information in hand, you can learn what elements of your writing behaviors profile are assets to you — and then be on the lookout for how your behaviors might lead to less-than-productive experiences. Sign up today!

Read more about the article "Spring 2020 Writing Soft Skills Success Series: Writing Animal Personality Quiz: Learning Your Writing Traits"