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Join the Santa Barbara Chapter of 500 Women Scientists for this month's discussion on the gender pay gap. Connect with other women as they discuss a wide range of topics including the causes of the gender pay gap and its impact on mothers in academia. The event is on April 15 at 6pm at the Roof Top Bar & Bistro - sign up today!

Read more about the article "500 Women Scientists SB monthly discussion night: The gender pay gap "

UCSB Library is offering two half-day, hands-on workshops aimed to familiarize participants with NVivo, a qualitative data analysis software tool, designed for researchers working with text-based and multimedia information. NVivo allows for researchers to complete deep analysis on large and small groups of data. Part 1 of the workshop will focus on file organization. Read on for more info.

Read more about the article "UCSB Library NVivo Workshop, Part 1: File Organization"

How do they do it? I'm talking about those graduate students who publish articles, conduct research, fly to conferences, and still find time to be caught up on every Netflix show. This workshop on April 17 will explore the type of time you have and how best to be productive with it (because not all time is the same when it comes to writing). Sign up today and learn how to maximize your writing productivity!

Read more about the article "Writing Soft Skills Success Series: Efficient Writing - Time Management & Goal Setting"

Did you miss out on the Beyond Academia conference last month? Don't worry! You can attend Beyond the Professoriate's career conference, hosted online May 4 and 11! Th​is two-day event brings together panelists and presenters from a wide range of academic backgrounds and careers who will talk about working in non-faculty roles in a variety of jobs and careers.

Read more about the article "Beyond the Professoriate's 6th Annual Online Career Conference"

The Department of Black Studies is now accepting applications for Teaching Assistantships for the 2019-2020 academic year. All materials, including the letter of reference, must be postmarked no later than April 8th, 2019, by 5pm. Interested students should submit application materials as soon as possible. Read on for more info!

Read more about the article "Department of Black Studies accepting TA applications for 2019-2020"

What if you had the opportunity to talk about your research any way you wanted to? What is it about your research that motivates you? At Lunch & Learn, we want to know! Sign up to present your research in a fun, informal 15-minute presentation -- with free lunch included! We welcome anything from PowerPoint slides to fireside chats to hands-on demonstrations. Sign up today!

Read more about the article "Call for speakers: Present your research at an upcoming Lunch & Learn "

Join Dr. Mindy Colin for a free lunch discussion to gain valuable knowledge of best practices for succeeding as an international TA. This event is planned to create a casual yet supportive network for international TAs to get insight into cross-cultural classroom communication, share teaching techniques, benefit from each other, seek support in teaching situations, and develop individual teaching identities.

Read more about the article "International Teaching Assistant Lunch Discussion"