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The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center seeks graduate students to work as instructors in a correspondence program on “Foundations in the Humanities” for people incarcerated in California Men’s Colony and Kern Valley State Prison. Apply now to be a Graduate Teaching Fellow in this IHC Prison Correspondence Course. Deadline is June 1, 2018.

Read more about the article "Be a Graduate Teaching Fellow in the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center"

Come join an interactive workshop co-led by BASF, where facilitators will discuss concrete ways to connect with audiences of varied backgrounds and to translate scientific research for them. They will use case studies and video clips to illustrate effective strategies for identifying bridging points, distilling out unnecessary detail, explaining through metaphors, and engaging through emotion.

Read more about the article "Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences: Distilling Your Message for the Real World"

Did you know that Santa Barbara is a founding city of “Earth Day” (now celebrated around the globe)? On this tour you will enjoy beautiful scenic sites and learn the history of Earth Day while drinking popular beverages known to Santa Barbara natives. The tour will end at the Earth Day Festival in Alameda park where the Santa Barbara community celebrates regional leaders.

Read more about the article "Earth Day Festival and Wine Trolley Tour"

After two weeks of competition, only 9 graduate students remain ​to compete in the final round of the 2018 Grad Slam this Friday. With thousands of dollars of prize money up for grabs, this​ is sure to be an event that you won't want to miss. If you can't make it in person, you can tune into the live-stream through UC Santa Barbara's Facebook page to catch all the excitement!

Read more about the article "Come join us for the 2018 Grad Slam final round Friday, April 20"

How do you tell your story so that it leads to the outcome and salary you deserve? Join us for a hands-on workshop with Lisa Gates, co-founder of the firm SheNegotiates, to learn five key steps for preparing for any negotiation. Grad students and postdocs of all genders are welcome at this event! NOTE: This workshop is a rescheduling of an event previously publicized in March 2018.

Read more about the article "Creating Your Own Career Oxygen: Negotiation Workshop for PhDs and Postdocs"

Students come into our classrooms from different backgrounds with varying levels of prior knowledge. While this diversity of students poses some difficulties, there are actually many advantages to this situation. In this workshop, we will discuss different ways to encourage learning at all levels and explore different types of section activities to build a community of learners in the classroom.

Read more about the article "Teaching to Multi-Level Groups"

Interested in a career in higher-education teaching? In this mock group interview, participants will have a chance to practice talking about their teaching. To foster authenticity, we will induce a mild degree of nervousness by videotaping participants. During a private follow-up session, you will have the opportunity to review your performance on videotape with an Instructional Consultant.

Read more about the article "Mock Interviews & Debrief: Talk about your Teaching"