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Are you interested in helping your fellow grad students find careers outside of academia? The UCSB Beyond Academia organizing committee is now recruiting graduate students and postdocs to join the team for next year’s conference, where you can have the opportunity to develop transferable skills that are ​valuable to careers both inside and outside of the academy.

Read more about the article "Join the organizing team for the 2019 Beyond Academia conference! "

Come hear about the expeditions of grad students Kelsey Bisson and Eleanor Arrington who set sail on a research expedition in the Santa Barbara Channel in December 2017, just three weeks after the Thomas Fire ignited. Their research team – which also included a musician, videographer, and illustrator – will discuss the unique opportunity they had to investigate the ​real-time impact of ash deposition on the coastal ocean.

Read more about the article "Oceanography in the Thomas Fire: Preliminary Results from a Graduate Student Led Expedition"

If you are a graduate student whose research is funded by the NSF Division of Chemistry, you may be able to receive supplemental funding for career development experiences and internships outside of academia. Review this article and discuss with your research faculty advisors about submitting an application. The deadline is May 15, 2018.

Read more about the article "Supplemental funding for internships or professional development in chemistry"

Interested in a career in higher-education teaching? In this mock group interview, participants will have a chance to practice talking about their teaching. To foster authenticity, we will induce a mild degree of nervousness by videotaping participants. During a private follow-up session, you will have the opportunity to review your performance on videotape with an Instructional Consultant.

Read more about the article "Mock Interviews & Debrief: Talk about your Teaching"