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The Graduate Simulation Seminar Series (GS^3) invites you to a talk featuring Dr. Steven Arturo from Dow. Dr. Arturo will give a seminar titled "Creating Sustainable Solutions with Computation" on Wednesday, September 14 at 2:00-3:00pm in ESB 2001. Following the seminar, Dr. Arturo and his Dow colleagues will have an informal meet and greet on the ESB Patio. Read on for more details.

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Are you committed to equity and antiracism and want to strengthen your application of those commitments in your teaching? Are you looking for a like-minded community? Are you hoping to develop your teaching and job application materials? CITRAL is recruiting a group of graduate students to discuss strategies for equitable teaching and to workshop your materials! Each participant will receive a $500 stipend. Applications are due September 20.

Read more about the article "CITRAL Community of Practice: Course Design for Equity"

Read on for tips from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)--an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community--about strategies to help you carve out time for writing. Membership in the NCFDD (free for UCSB students!) provides several forms of professional support to help combat common problems academics face. Read on to learn more!

Read more about the article "Tips from the NCFDD Monday Motivator: September 2022 edition"

The Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference has opened travel award applications and abstract submissions. The Conference is aimed at students who participate in programs funded by the NSF HRD Unit, including underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities. It will be held in Washington, D.C., on February 9-11, 2023. Abstracts and travel awards apps are due on September 16.

Read more about the article "2023 Emerging Researchers National conference accepting abstracts and travel award apps"

The University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 1984 to encourage outstanding women and minority Ph.D. recipients to pursue academic careers at the University of California. The annual award provides a salary starting at $54,540 depending on field and experience. The deadline to apply is November 1.

Read more about the article "UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023-2024"

Hear more innovative perspectives and personal stories in this second video series installment from the Professional Development Series (PDS) offered by the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) and the Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) program. This second series focuses on Technology Management. Read on for info and links to the interviews.

Read more about the article "CSEP and I&E offer second PDS video series on Technology Management"

The Department of Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity (WGSE) at UC Santa Barbara is hiring an Associate Director. WGSE comprises the Women's Center and the Non-Traditional Student Resource Center. The department is dedicated to providing education on women’s issues, feminism, healthy masculinities, and gender and social equity. Application review will begin on September 20, 2022.

Read more about the article "Hiring alert: WGSE opens applications for Associate Director"

Join Professors Ram Seshadri and Chris Bates tomorrow, September 2nd from 11am-12:30pm for a remote seminar, "Typesetting and Figure Creation for Researchers." This seminar is for science and engineering researchers who care about consistency, clarity, legibility, and aesthetics in their publications, presentations, and reports.

Read more about the article "Seminar Tomorrow: Typesetting and Figure Creation for Researchers"

The Ventura County Transportation Commission has expanded their College Ride program to include UCSB undergraduate and graduate students. This program will allow students to ride any bus in Ventura County for free by showing their Access Card. Student commuters from Ventura County may ride the Coastal Express to and from campus for free for the 22/23 school year.

Read more about the article "Ventura County bus system now free for UCSB students"

UCSB's McNair Scholars Program is recruiting a Graduate Mentor. The goals of McNair are to increase the number of first- generation, low-income and/or underrepresented students in doctoral programs, and to diversify the faculty in colleges and universities across the country. Applications are due on September 12 by 4pm, so read on for more information!

Read more about the article "McNair Scholars Program is recruiting Grad Mentor -- apps due September 12"