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UCSB Graduate Center for Literary Research invites you to the following upcoming lecture by Dr. Constanze Fritzsch: "Carlfriedrich Claus and A.R. Penck: Printed Portfolios and Artist Books as Means to Create a New Society." This lecture will be held on Tuesday Dec 6 from 10-11am on Zoom.

Read more about the article "GCLR Lecture this Tuesday: Printed Portfolios and Artist Books as a Means to Create A New Society"

Read on for tips from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)--an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community--about strategies to help you thrive during crunch time. Membership in the NCFDD (free for UCSB students!) provides several forms of professional support to help combat common problems academics face. Read on to learn more!

Read more about the article "Tips from the NCFDD Monday Motivator: December 2022 edition"

Check out this UCSB series on grad student and postdoc professional development experiences funded by the Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) Program. This week's featured video is by Yimin Luo, a postdoctoral scholar in Mechanical Engineering, who used the IPS funds to attend a workshop focused on grant writing for young assistant professors and late-stage postdoctoral scholars. Read on to watch the video and learn more about the IPS program!

Read more about the article "IPS Insights: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Workshop for Young Investigators "

Join us tomorrow, December 1st from 12-12:45 in Elings 1601 for our next Meet and Eat for the Individualized Professional Skills grant program! At this event, two previous grant awardees -- Caragh Barry from Spanish and Portuguese and Bridget Vincent from EEMB -- will present on their IPS-sponsored experience. In addition, the IPS staff will be there to answer your questions. Lunch from Three Pickles will be provided!

Read more about the article "Tomorrow: eat lunch and learn about professional development grants at the IPS Meet & Eat!"

The Ventura College Faculty Diversity Internship Program is now accepting applications from STEM students. This is a great opportunity to learn about teaching at a community college. The intent of the program is to increase the pool of potential candidates that reflect the diversity of VC's student population in the local community, greater South Central Coast area, and internationally.

Read more about the article "Ventura College offering Faculty Diversity Internship Program in STEM"

The Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD) is seeking a Graduate Assistant for Education Initiatives. This position contributes to the RCSGD mission of facilitating the intersectional inclusion and representation of the identities, experiences, and concerns of LGBTQIA+ students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members at UCSB. Applications due Nov 27!

Read more about the article "Hiring alert: RCSGD seeking Graduate Assistant for Education Initiatives"

Are you a graduate student or postdoc who qualifies for Core or Midlevel Benefits through your UCSB employment? Then join representatives from Fidelity Investments for upcoming webinars where they will discuss the Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) 401(a) as well as the Voluntary Retirement Savings Accounts and the benefits of pre- vs. after-tax contributions available through these accounts.

Read more about the article "Learn more about UC retirement plans at upcoming webinars"