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Do you want to learn more about writing lit reviews? This workshop, offered by the UCSB Library on April 5 from 12-1pm in Library 1312, will offer strategies on how to take on this sometimes intimidating writing task. This workshop is open to all graduate students.

Read more about the article "From UCSB Library -- "Literature Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences: Practical Tips and Strategies""

The UC-National Lab In-Residence Graduate Fellowships provide support for UC doctoral students with two to three years of funding to conduct in-residence dissertation research and receive professional training at Los Alamos or Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in any area relevant to the labs. Letters of Intent due June 1.

Read more about the article "Request for Proposals: 2024 UC-National Laboratory In-Residence Graduate Fellowships"

UCSB Career Services and the GSRC are recruiting two Graduate Career positions, to begin employment in Summer 2023 and run through Spring quarter 2024. The position will help graduate students on issues related to career development including direct service and programming development and support.

Read more about the article "Graduate Career Services and the GSRC are hiring TWO Graduate Career Peers starting Summer 2023"

Are you interested in learning more about DEIA teaching practices, and finding a community of other like-minded instructors? Come to the Inclusive Teaching Symposium on March 20. The event will feature presentations on current inclusive pedagogy projects at UCSB, lightning talks from DEI Discussions reading group participants, and a Q&A session with Drs. Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan.

Read more about the article "Next Monday: Inclusive Teaching Symposium"