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This workshop on November 10th will help you begin to understand how to look for and apply for positions that speak to your values, skills, and interests. It will review helpful career exploration platforms, including MyIDP, ChemIDP, and VersatilePhD to help you discover new career pathways and how to learn about viable career paths beyond the academy.

Read more about the article "STEM Grad Students: Searching and Applying for Non-Academic Jobs"

This virtual workshop on November 9th will help you begin to understand how to look for and apply for positions that speak to your values and interests. This workshop will review two helpful career exploration platforms, ImaginePhD and VersatilePhD, to help you discover new career pathways and how to learn about viable career paths beyond the academy. RSVP today!

Read more about the article "Social Science and Humanities Grad Students: Searching and Applying for Non-Academic Jobs"

Check out this UCSB series on grad student and postdoc professional development experiences funded by the Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) Program. Our latest featured video is by Marina Zhukova, a graduate student in Linguistics, who attended the Linguistics Career Launch, a 4-week online career bootcamp for linguists interested in exploring careers outside academia. Read on to watch her video and learn more about the IPS program!

Read more about the article "IPS Insights: Linguistics Career Launch"

Many job interviews take place online, so what better way to prepare than through this Zoom-based workshop! On Nov 8, come learn a plethora of tips and tricks to utilize in your next online interview, whether that be in academia or industry. We'll discuss common interview questions, tips for giving job talks online, and things you'll want to prepare before the interview itself.

Read more about the article "Tips & Tricks for Online Interviews (special workshop with Bri McWhorter)"