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The UCSB Library is hosting a special talk on Tuesday, April 20 at 4pm titled "Do Environmental Markets Cause Environmental Injustice?" Danae Hernandez Cortes, Economics Ph.D. candidate (and our 2021 Grad Slam People's Choice Awardee!), will be presenting alongside Kyle Meng, Associate Professor at the Bren School of Environmental Management and the Department of Economics. Sign up to attend!

Read more about the article "UCSB Library event: Do Environmental Markets Cause Environmental Injustice?"

As an international Gaucho, you bring unique experiences to the UCSB community. Come join Julia McClenon, International Peer Advisor, to learn how you can purposefully tap into your international identity in the classroom and in work environments to showcase these parts of you as as the powerful asset it is. You are valuable for your internationality, so come learn how to highlight it!

Read more about the article "Using Internationality to Your Advantage"

Employers are interested in more than your degree or field of research, they care about how your qualifications match what they need. Graduate students need to show their experience effectively so that employers will listen. Join us on April 28th for this workshop where we will teach you how to talk about your work in order to demonstrate that you have transferable and relevant skills for the job.

Read more about the article "Nail Your Job Interviews"

This workshop on April 28th will teach participants what the various modes of revision are. From there, it will explore assorted comments students receive on their writing and connect those comments to the appropriate mode of revision. Finally, we will present strategies and exercises for how to engage each type of revision so that students can hone their revision skills. RSVP today!

Read more about the article "Spring 2021 Writing Soft Skills Success Series: Effective Strategies for Revision"

If you are planning to apply for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for the 2022-23 grant cycle or want to learn more about the program, join us for a virtual information session on April 27. This session will cover types of awards, the components of a Fulbright application, tips for putting together the best Fulbright application possible, and the campus review process.

Read more about the article "Fulbright U.S. Student Program Information Session"

Over the past 3 years, the Graduate Student Internship Fellowship has awarded over 18 fellowships to support essential career opportunities for graduate students. This is the only funding stream on campus that supports graduate students in gaining valuable career experiences outside the academy. Vote to reaffirm the fellowship during next week's GSA Elections (April 19-22)!

Read more about the article "Vote to reaffirm the Graduate Student Internship Fellowship!"

The UCSB Graduate Division is currently seeking applications for its Diversity and Outreach Peer Advisor position to begin employment in June 2021. The Diversity and Outreach Peer Advisor assists in the development and implementation of outreach and recruitment events which are designed to cultivate a highly qualified and diverse pool of graduate school applicants. This position also assists in fostering and maintaining an environment at UCSB that values and supports inclusivity and diversity. Applications are due by April 19, 2021.

Read more about the article "Reminder: April 19 deadline to apply for Diversity & Outreach Peer Advisor position"

Interested in attending the Beyond the Professoriate's 8th annual conference for graduate students and PhDs? This opportunity qualifies for funding from UCSB's Individualized Professional Skills (IPS) Program. This year's program, taking place on May 1 and May 8, features 16 PhDs from all academic disciplines, who will discuss networking, resume writing, online job search strategies, and how to manage a career transition. Read on to learn more!

Read more about the article "IPS support to attend virtual career conference"