Join us for our March Lunch & Learn featuring graduate students from Psychological & Brain Sciences and Comparative Literature! Enjoy free lunch and a chance to socialize with grads from across campus. RSVP today!
Read more about the article "Lunch & Learn: Decisions and Disciplines"
Gauchos for Recovery, a student-led organization that provides resources to UCSB students seeking long-term recovery from alcohol, addictive substances, and addictive behaviors, has a meeting for graduate students and non-traditional students on Fridays at 12pm in Embarcadero Hall 1105. Free coffee provided!
Read more about the article "Gauchos for Recovery Meeting for Graduate Students "
The EDGE (Enhancing Graduate Doctoral Education) Program is designed to strengthen the ability of women and minority students to successfully complete graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. The 2019 EDGE summer session will be held June 2nd-29th at Pomona College in Claremont, CA. Summer participants receive a stipend plus travel, room, and board. Learn more today!
Read more about the article "The EDGE Summer Program for women doctoral students in mathematics"
Join the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships in the coming weeks for three events focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry: "Imposter Syndrome and Finding Your Authentic Voice," a seminar on how venture-capitalist endeavors are structured, and "Starting a Company Successfully." Read on for details and to RSVP!
Read more about the article "Check out three upcoming events on entrepreneurship"
Do you want to hone your skills by putting them to practice for the benefit of Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems? Learn about policy development, evaluation, restoration planning, grants management, and stakeholder outreach in this one-year fellowship program sponsored by the National Science Academies. Deadline to apply is March 6, 2019.
Read more about the article "Gulf Research Program's Science Policy Fellowship"
Health & Wellness has just released the 2019 National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey, aimed at giving UCSB campus health service providers a better understanding of what the wellbeing needs are of the diverse student population at UCSB. Graduate students are invited to complete the survey for a chance to win a $75 Amazon gift card!
Read more about the article "UCSB's Health & Wellness 2019 NCHA Survey"
Aimed at early to mid-career oral historians, this fellowship provides an opportunity to conduct a longform life history interview with a leading figure in the arts or humanities. The fellow will see the interview series through from conception to completion and will present on their project at the Oral History Center’s annual Summer Institute. Learn more and apply today! Deadline is February 25, 2019.
Read more about the article "UC Berkeley Oral History Center announces summer fellowship for UC Graduate Student of Color"
As part of larger data science efforts on campus, the Interdisciplinary Research Collaboratory will be hosting a 2-day Software Carpentry Workshop. Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. Registration is required and space is limited - sign up today!
Read more about the article "Software Carpentry Workshop on February 21-22"
Fort Lewis College is seeking applications for its Indigenous Scholar in Residence Program between Spring 2019 and Spring 2021 as part of its Literacy, Inclusion, and Transit (LIT) Project. Compensation is $30,000 for one academic term (14 weeks) plus a small housing supplement; shorter residencies will be prorated proportionately. Read on to learn more!
Read more about the article "Call for applications for Indigenous Scholar in Residence Program"
On February 28, come learn the many different ways you can engage students by having them use their smartphones, tablets, and laptops during section. Not only will this workshop focus on some great classroom games and apps, it will also cover how to manage student behavior regarding mobile technology use during class. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Read more about the article "TA Workshops on Pedagogy: Effective Uses of Mobile Technology in Section"
Summer programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide an opportunity to spend a summer working at the NIH side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. Internships cover a minimum of eight weeks; stipend level depends on education completed prior to starting at the NIH. Application deadline is March 1, 2019.
Read more about the article "Paid Summer Internship in Biomedical Research"
More info about tax filings! If you have received a fellowship, scholarship, stipend, or any free money for school, you will need your 1098-T, which reports non-compensatory income (free money) and qualified education expenses. This is useful for determining tax deductions and credits. Find out how to access your 1098-T here.
Read more about the article "What is the 1098-T? And how do I get mine?"
There is an art to transforming classwork into conference scholarship and it deals with catering to your audience, making your work sound exciting, and presenting your research in an engaging fashion. This workshop on February 27 will teach participants how to transform the work they are already doing in the classroom into a conference-worthy presentation.
Read more about the article "How to Transform Papers Into Conference Presentations (Writing Workshop Series)"
UCSB has received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a program called “Engaging Humanities." The program is designed to increase enrollment in humanities majors through participation in innovative learning communities and/or by designing larger courses that connect humanities thinking to students’ identities and career goals. Learn more and apply today!
Read more about the article "Call for participants: UCSB Mellon Engaging Humanities Graduate Fellows"
The Watsons shares themes with current films such as Green Book, The Hate U Give, and If Beale Street Could Talk, and is 80 minutes of pure enjoyment. Adapted from a beloved children's book of the same title, The Watsons is the result of a true collaboration of talent and partnership and is bringing out the best in its cast and crew. Don't miss out - get your tickets today!
Read more about the article "LAUNCH PAD production of “The Watsons Go to Birmingham — 1963”"