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Attention international graduate students! Do you know about the International Doctoral Recruitment Fellowship (IDRF)? Since its inception in 2015, the IDRF has been automatically awarded to international PhD students at the start of their fourth quarter, and covers out-of-state tuition costs. Read on for more information!

Read more about the article "Find out more about the UCSB International Doctoral Recruitment Fellowship"

Calling California grad students and postdocs! The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) is seeking scientists and engineers in training for the CCST Climate Science Translators Showcase, held in conjunction with the Global Climate Action Summit hosted by Governor Jerry Brown in San Francisco in September 2018. Application deadline is July 29.

Read more about the article "Apply for the CCST Climate Science Translators Showcase"

Interested in interviewing with the Dow Chemical Company? Dow is planning to hire a significant number of students and postdocs this year for various positions in the areas of engineering sciences, material science, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry, catalysis, computational chemistry and analytical sciences. Read on to learn more! Application deadline is July 20th.

Read more about the article "Dow Chemical Company recruitment visit"

UC MEXUS is offering up to $1,500 for small, short-term, non-dissertation projects in all disciplines as related to academic exchange, research training, and scholarly development in areas of interest to UC MEXUS. These areas include Mexico-related studies in all academic fields, Latino Studies, and critical issues of common concern to the United States and Mexico. Deadline is August 6, 2018.

Read more about the article "UC MEXUS offers small grants for short-term projects"

WCAHS welcomes applications on a wide range of topics relevant to agricultural health and safety. Areas of current interest include, but are not limited to, health and safety related to air quality and climate change, wildland fires near agriculture, and mental health in agricultural populations. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars may request up to $10,000. Deadline is July 27, 2018.

Read more about the article "Grant awards of $10K for research impacting agricultural populations"

UC Davis Global Affairs is currently seeking abstract submissions from graduate students throughout the world as part of the 2018 International Research Conference at UC Davis. It is a unique opportunity for graduate students to share their research with international thought leaders. The deadline for submission has been extended to July 16, 2018.

Read more about the article "Deadline extended - UC Davis Global Affairs call for abstracts for International Research Conference"

Being awarded an NSF GRFP is one of the most prestigious honors that a young academic can receive. Included in the application are two statements that readers rely on to select deserving applicants: a personal statement and a research plan. Come to this workshop on July 24 and learn how to create a successful statement and what is expected in terms of content and style.

Read more about the article "NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Statements Workshop"

How do you distill your entire academic and professional career into one document? You may be the best candidate for a job, but if you do not have a well-organized C.V., then you're likely to get lost in the application pile. Come to this workshop on July 10 and learn what the major sections of a C.V. include and how to tailor your C.V. to specific positions.

Read more about the article "Academic C.V.s"